23But the Lord said to Gideon, “Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.”
24So Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and called it The Lord Is Peace. To this day it stands in Ophrah of the Abiezrites. - Judges 6:23-24
God does NOT declare peace over your life to keep you safe but that you might become who you were born to be. Jehovah Shalom (God is Peace), proclaimed by Gideon, came in the middle of a moment where Gideon's life was changed forever. He was told by a messenger from God that he was not born to hide fearfully in a cave threshing wheat; he was born to be a mighty warrior for God.
It's tempting to be a bad steward with God's Peace. Selfishly, you keep it only for yourself. Fearfully, you use it to hide from your enemies rather than confronting them. Therapeutically, you reduce it to how it makes you feel rather than how it makes you think and act. True peace is walking out contently and courageously the future victories God has planned for you.
Though your future victories will be full of risk, demanding gnarly faith from you, the God of Peace will be with you. Gideon discovered that immediately. God sent him into battle with 32,000 men, but prior to the battle beginning God reduced his army to only 300. God actually said to Gideon, "You have too many men (Judges 7:2a)." Walking in the peace of God will help you to realize that MORE of GOD and LESS of YOU is the key to victory. Though ferociously counter - intuitive to humanism, letting God take the fight for you will liberate you, flooding your soul with the peace of God.
God is declaring His peace over your life NOW. Can you mute the noise of this world long enough to hear Him? Receive it, and you will be changed forever just like Gideon. You were born to walk in victory not defeat - to be a warrior not a weakling - to be in peace not fear. The God of Peace will crush Satan under your feet (Romans 16:20). Peace now.
Ex nihilo,
R.J. Rhoden