“One who is wise can go up against the city of the mighty and pull down the stronghold in which they trust.” -Proverbs 21:22
On this Memorial Day weekend as we honor and remember those who have sacrificed for our freedom, we are once again reminded that the battle continues close to home. With yet another senseless shooting in Mosby Court last night, this time involving State Trooper Mike Walter, our hearts are heavy with a longing for peace and flourishing in all our RVA neighborhoods.
How can we not call on God Almighty at this time to intervene, to grant us wisdom, to give a resolved unity among all seeking the solution, and to empower us with the fortitude to never give up? The enemy is NOT the residents of Mosby, Law Enforcement, Faith and Civic Communities that serve, City Hall, the Media or even systems of injustice that we have inherited from previous years (though we must continue to eradicate them from our community). The enemy is the dark forces of evil that seek to rob, steal, and destroy the hearts and minds of an emerging generation that have been deceived into acting as if there is no hope.
Oh God, if there has ever been a time that we need You, it is now. Bring us together to be Your hands and voice of hope. Bring down the strongholds of evil that cause some to do destructive acts they were never created to do. Galvanize the people of RVA to usher in a goodness, found in Your divine heart, that pushes out the darkness. Give rise to advocates, philanthropists, the people of God, protectors of peace, and all who have a civic conscience with unprecedented unity. Losing this battle is not an option.
Bring Your healing, peace, and strength to Mike Walter and his family and all those who live in vicinity of this crime. Protect the hearts and memories of kids who are more accustomed to seeing crime scenes than jump ropes. Let there be laughter, joy, and jubilee in the streets again. We are in desperate need of Your help and confess our sin of human independence. For we were not created to labor with out You but with You. May it be so.
Ex nihilo (out of nothing),
R.J. Rhoden