Many have gone before me in working towards making this region a better place. And many will come after. But now is the time that God has given me - given us - to be fully present and involved. It's an honor to serve alongside so many talented men and women who prayerfully work towards unity in RVA on a weekly basis. Our work has the usual ups and downs but continues out of a sense of Calling to all of RVA.
I have been guilty in the past of overly honoring the subjective boundaries established politically by men. Territorial attitudes have hindered RVA for years. If you are an historian, you know well the destructive outcomes from said boundaries. We are reminded of them daily. All of RVA has suffered.
While I am not one to deny history, I am also not one to deny all of RVA the hope of its future. Sometimes it seems that we dwell more on our past than the future God is unfolding around us. I will always have an element of grief over RVA's past. It would be irresponsible to not. But I am infinitely more motivated by RVA's bright future. I'm ready to be a part of new history and narratives that future generations will tell. I want to surround myself with people who are more enamored with the future than the past - not forgetting the past but growing beyond it. All of RVA's future is important.
God's people have a special opportunity to lead the way in our future - not with a religiously imperialistic agenda but with one that fosters justice, holistic flourishing, goodness, and righteousness for all. Many faithful people, often unrecognized or honored, are daily working towards these ends. Thank you for all you do. It is not in vain - it is for all of RVA.
It's been said many times before but needs to be said again. All of RVA needs one another. We are better together. Wyndham needs Whitcomb Court. Whitcomb Court needs Woodlake. Highland Park needs Highland Springs. Highland Springs needs Hanover. Hanover needs Chester (ran out of alliterations). Chester needs the City. And the City needs its neighbors. We now need to do more than say it. We need to live it.
So get involved. Pray daily. Work towards the good of our region. Live regionally not territorially. See RVA as God does - a whole region of 1-1.5 million people. Go visit an area you have never been before. Be friendly. All of RVA needs you.
Ex nihilo,
R.J. Rhoden
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