Saturday, March 7, 2015


I am preaching a message this evening on being valuable.  As I sit here finalizing the preparations, my thoughts are on people who, for whatever reason, are feeling invaluable.  Sadly, it's easier in our world to identify more with the clearance rack in the back than the nice stuff in the display window. We believe the lie that we are out of style, rejected, or damaged goods.  Why would we be valuable to anyone let alone God?

Value is connected to the designer as well as how much one is willing to pay.  A name brand is more expensive than an off-brand.  A consumer's willingness to pay a given price sets the value.  This is good news for us, not from an economic perspective, but a spiritual one.  God designed us in his image/likeness, and He paid the highest price for us.  We are valuable.  Our value is connected to God and His actions on our behalf.  Nothing else.

Other people, our thoughts, and satan are responsible for convincing us that we lack value.  In most cases all three are working together like a well-oiled machine.  The power of this trifecta feels stronger than our ability to deflect their distorting affect. In fact, they are stronger than us but not stronger than God. A divine infusion is the only remedy that will reverse a pattern of self-devaluation.  With that infusion, we discover that God not only brings value to our lives, He also makes us valuable.

A principle in making money is to buy low and sell high.  To do the opposite is to risk bankruptcy. But we worship the God who does the complete opposite and takes it one step further.  God does not buy high and sell low.  He buys high and never sells.  We are His treasured possession.

So to Him who is able to do exceedingly more than we think or imagine, according to His power at work in us, to Him be the glory both in the Church and Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever, Amen (Ephesians).

Ex nihilo,

R.J. Rhoden

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