Saturday, December 17, 2016

He Gives Freely

Mary is not the only person who writes a song in Luke.  Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, does so as well.  One portion of his song describes two game-changers we get in God - gift giving and guidance.

God's heart is full of gift-giving and guidance that can fill you forever.  He won't force them on you.  Many respond with a resounding "NO." Others, hands and heart open, receive with gratitude.  The former continue in emptiness while the latter walk in contentment.

According to my count, Zechariah's song (Luke 1:76-79) describes five gifts we get in God:  A Prophet, Salvation, Forgiveness, Mercy, and Jesus. On any given day I need all five.  God's gifts are not for a designated day of the year.  He gives freely year round and from generation to generation.  He is the Ultimate Gift-Giver.

Tonight at 6pm at Celebration we will be worshipping the God who is full of gifts and guidance.  He has something special in store for us.  I personally invite you to join us. Bring a friend.  Bring your heart ready to receive gifts and guidance from the God who is with us.

He wants to shine light into your darkness and place your feet on a path of peace. Come and see.

Ex nihilo,

R.J. Rhoden

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