But we have this treasure in jars of clay
to show that this all-surpassing power is from God
and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7
(This is an excerpt from the sermon I will preach this Saturday night January 9th at Celebration Church & Outreach Ministry. 6pm at 5501 Midlothian Turnpike. Join us for the whole sermon or watch online at celebrationchurchrva.org. Click on Live.)
We are custom designed by God to be storehouses of His treasures. That is often difficult for us to receive or even comprehend. We wrongly wonder, "Does that really apply to me?" "Why would God delight in filling me?" "I'm not worth God's time." But that kind of wondering is the deception of the enemy and in direct conflict with the promises of God's Word.
I used to read this verse and assume that Paul was referring to a singular treasure within us. A closer examination of the word he uses, thay sow ros, reveals a bigger meaning. In Paul's world thay sow ros was a storehouse, a small structure, used by people to house their treasures. The early readers of Paul's letter probably heard verse 7 differently than us. They envisioned themselves as a storehouse for God's treasures rather than a mere, singular item of value. Understanding the difference in the two meanings can be a game changer.
Like most teachings in God's Word this concept is easy to hear, yet we find creative ways to butcher it on a daily basis. In contrast to Paul's teaching, our lives become storehouses for the things of this world instead of God. The trick of the enemy is to entice us with empty relationships, philosophies, behaviors, and mindsets that clutter our storehouses leaving little or no room for the treasures of God. Your lack of spiritual growth may be more related to clutter than comprehension. We tend to know more than we do.
God removes before He adds. He took away our sin problem first and then placed Jesus in us. He wants to do the same with our worldly baggage. But here is a little warning: the removal process can be messy. Some things are freed quickly, but other areas do not leave without a fight. Fortunate for us God is patient and tenacious in ridding us of junk. I can't think of a better time than now for you to stop fighting Him.
When was the last time you did a serious inventory of your storehouse? I wonder if some unhealthy items have nestled in over the last year? Have some things returned that were gone at one time? Are you wrestling with God, clinging to one or two areas you are reluctant to have purged? Or maybe you need a complete house cleaning? Only you and God know, but others will begin to notice once the work is done. What are you waiting for?
Ex nihilo,
R.J. Rhoden
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