/kem’pel/ is the phonetic spelling of a powerful word that Paul uses in 2 Corinthians 5:14 to describe what Christ’s love does for us. “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.” So why is this important?
Behind every action is a motivation.
-You are motivated to eat so you can have energy.
-You are motivated to drink water so you can live.
-You are motivated to study so you can receive a good grade.
-You are motivated to ... (you fill in the blank).
If anything or anyone other than Christ’s love is the motivational, compelling drive of your life, you will experience false expectations, chronic confusion, and selfish values.
False expectations occur because your desired outcomes are not flowing out of Christ’s love but rather out of your selfish desires.
Chronic confusion occurs because you are relying too heavily on false expectations that are anchored in your flesh not God’s Will.
And selfish values occur because selfishness is the opposite of love.
But when Christ’s love compels you:
-You will see people differently, and
-You will see your purpose(s) differently.
We are unable to do the above two things without Christ’s love because His love changes us from being selfish, sinful people to being selfless, righteous people. Can you imagine the powerful Awakening that would happen in our world if God’s people refreshed and renewed their understanding of Christ’s love?
I am praying that will happen in my life and yours. Will you join me? I will be preaching for 3 weeks on this theme beginning tonight, February 9th at 6pm. May God’s love /kem’pel/ us into repentance and mission.
Ex nihilo,
R.J. Rhoden
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