Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Your Moment Is Now

The Psalmist says it this way, "We are like a breath; our days are like a fleeting shadow."  In other words, in light of eternity our time on earth is a short blip - a moment that is incredibly brief yet full of opportunity.  So why do some stroll along in life wasting away time as though it is in endless supply?

Many men and women of God in Scripture grasped the weightiness of this fleeting reality and grabbed a hold of their moment.

  • Esther, recognizing the King's favor toward her, courageously and skillfully negotiated the saving of her people.
  • Daniel, despite finding himself exiled to a pagan culture that was hostile to his God, "refused to defile himself before [his] God."  This resulted in his elevation to a position of prominence.
  • Isaiah, "a man of unclean lips," humbly and with great faith responded to God's Calling with those timeless words, "Here am I. Send me!"
  • Lydia, a successful business woman, affirmatively responded to Paul's message of Good News.  She and her entire household were baptized and then opened their home as a place to gather for prayer, teaching and hospitality.
  • Stephen did not waiver in his faith in the face of lethal consequences.  While being stoned to death, he kept his eyes fixed on heaven where "the Son of Man was standing at the right hand of God" waiting to receive him.
These are merely a few examples.  There are so many more including the potential of yours.

Testimonies of men and women who have modeled how to seize their moment inspire us.  We should tell their stories repeatedly but not at the expense of ignoring our moment.  God did not create us to live vicariously through them.  He created us to learn from them so we might be similarly courageous at our appointed moment.  Our admiration of them is grossly incomplete unless their actions stir noble questions in us like:  What is our moment?  Is there a better time than now?  Do we trust God enough to place all our perceived obstacles into His capable Hands?

What a life-changing and sacredly adventurous opportunity that lies ahead for those who simply say, "Yes!"  There are ministry encounters that God has planned just for you.  So let us embrace this truth:  One of the many experiences that God will use to ensure your arrival at those appointed moments is a sacred season of preparation.

I would like to personally invite you to experience your preparation at Antioch College (formally Antioch College of the Assemblies of God) where we are preparing ministers to be passionate, Spirit-filled, and practical leaders. With the local church as the backdrop for learning, you will prepare for ministry with the convenience and affordability of online education but in the context of community, peer interaction, and spiritual formation at our Partner Sites.

Come begin your new chapter with us.  There is not an endless supply of time. Your moment is now.

Ex nihilo,

R.J. Rhoden

*For more information contact Dr. Ron DeBerry at or Sonji Thee at

*For more information about being a Partner Site contact Dr. Rob Rhoden at

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