Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Five Powers of the Zeal of the Lord

The Prophet Isaiah speaks of the zeal of the Lord 5 times.  Each mention has a powerful "take-away" for you.

Take Aways:  The zeal of the Lord...
1.  Is working behind the scenes on your behalf
Isaiah provides a rare glimpse into what God is up to behind the scenes.  "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end...The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this (9:6-7)."

The zeal of the Lord is working behind the scenes of your life today just as He was 2500 years ago.  You can't see it, but you can trust it.  You may not feel it, but you can know it.  You can't describe it, but you can declare praises to the One who is doing it.

2.  Will deal with your adversaries
King Hezekiah had someone in his life who wanted to bring about pain, destruction, and shame.  His adversary was named Sennacherib King of Assyria. I am confident you can name your adversary(s) as well.

Hezekiah did two actions to align himself with the zeal of the Lord.  First, he summoned together some close godly advisers (including the prophet Isaiah).  Secondly, he prayed, and God not only dealt with his adversary, Sennacherib, but God also spoke hope for the future.  In chapter 37 God uses the word "zeal" in describing His ability to deal with Hezekiah's adversary. "For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this (37:32)."

The zeal of the Lord will deal with your adversaries. Align yourself with His zeal. Gather people of God around you.  Keep praying.  The appointed time of God's deliverance is near.

3.  Is known in your songs of praise
In chapter 42 Isaiah declares, "Sing to the Lord a new song...(v10)." What follows is wonderful lyrics of praise to God including "The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal...(v13)."

Declaring in song the character, power, and zeal of the Lord will touch the depths of your heart in a way that other expressive forms cannot.  Deliverance is usually experienced in song first and reality second. Lyrics embed before victory arrives.  Those lyrics become your comfort and encouragement as you wait.  Such is the power of songs of praise.

4.  Brings you forgiveness from sin and ends your separation from God
The sinful state of humankind is outlined in detail by Isaiah in chapter 59.  At one point the prophet sums it up by saying, "...we look for light, but all is darkness...(v9). 

But, our heavenly Father is so kind and gracious.  "He saw that there was no His own arm worked salvation for Him, and His own righteousness sustained him...[He] wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak (vv16-17)."

God zealously desires to forgive and redeem.  He responds to repentance of sins and is zealous for your life long before you become zealous for Him.  There is no separation or hurt that He cannot repair for those who respond to His love.

5.  Is not afraid of your doubts, frustrations, or questions
Honest prayers are welcomed by our Father.  The people in Isaiah's day declared in prayer, "Look down from heaven and see from your lofty throne, holy and glorious.  Where are your zeal and might?  Your tenderness and compassion are withheld from us (63:15)."

Advent 2019 may be a season of frustration with God rather than delight.  Pour out your conflicted heart to Him.  He has a way of receiving a conflicted heart and gently restoring it into a hopeful heart.  In the meantime, He welcomes your honesty.  He actually knows what is in you before you tell Him and yet never stops loving you.  Who is like our God?

Ex nihilo,

R.J. Rhoden
Executive Director of Education

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